Sunday, February 5, 2012

reflextions on the loss of loved ones

This last Friday I attended a funeral for a beloved father of three members of my church...How they morned and felt so lost - working through dealing with the relization that they would not be seeing their father again until the return of Christ and the ressurection and setting up on God's Kingdom here on earth. Having lost a beloved brother, mother and father, I can understand their grief and feelings of utter loss mingled with the comforting knowledge that the next waking moment for their loved one with be at the ressurection - the hope that we all look forward too. Here are some poems that express that love and hope...



You are a gift from above
In your arms I feel completely loved
From your lips come truths I had forgot
I understand life from the things you have taught
You give me hope, strength to face the next day
You correct my mistakes showing me the right way
Everyday I rejoice to watch your life unfold
You are the one who gave me a life to hold
Tic ‘2001

Dearest Daddy of them all
You have always been there strong and tall
In you Papa I have the utmost faith
That you will remind me to stay on the narrow and straight
Your knowledge of history, parenthood and the English tongue
You have instilled in me when each day is done
You show me a temperance to be not like the others
Also with patience and Godliness from all hurt I can recover
You, Papa have taught me so much of kindness and love
You are a blessing for me from our Father above
So in conclusion all I can say
You are my Papa; I would not have it any other way
Tic ‘2001

Not as I will but as thou wilt
Not as I see but as thou reveal
Not as I hear but as thou speak
Not as I understand only with thy knowledge
Not as I live now only with thy grace
But in resurrection glorifying thy face
Tic '97

How do we each begin our days
In ignorance, in total darkness
Or do we wake to the light of the way

How do we observe Christ’s sacrifice
In perfect faith, in loving hope
He who died to give us life
How do we remember the empty tomb
In celebration, with complete trust
His return we wait for soon

How do we see the resurrection
In future hope, with joy we see
The Kingdom come – it fill our vision
Tic ‘2009

Who has reached out and touched our lives
Made us stop to question, why?
How have we touched the lives of others
Our loving sisters and caring brothers?

Who did show us from the world to be separate
So we were no longer desolate?
Are we living lives that are an example
Showing how the Truth is completely ample

Foreign leaders of old were moved to worship
The God who gat them kingship
They learned the God rules in the kingdom of men
To fulfill His purpose now and then

We must stand up for the truth of the Word
But in a manner that will be heard
Always with positive, humble communication
Showing others the way to salvation

Christ was the best at touching all
Opening ears and hearts to the call
He continues to touch us in this present day
The best example to follow the Way

So we must follow always to do God’s will
Strengthening others to be strong still
Tic ‘2009

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