Saturday, January 28, 2012

my contribution to life's little sayings

In a previous post I discussed the profoundness of the Hiku. Well the Asians also liked to expound little life proverbs (other culturs as well). So from the maze of my thinking, feeling and general crazy outlook on the world here are some of my life proverbs/little sayings....

What is a book?
A book is purely a view of life
Tic ‘78

God’s gifts to us are all around,
In nature’s sights and nature’s sounds.
Tic ‘81

Joy is not something that just happens,
One has to take the time to create it.
Tic ‘82

All I touch and all I see
Is only part of what God gives to me!
Tic ‘83
A drop of sunshine
Lets the smiles come through
Tic ‘84

One should be sure
To keep thoughts pure
Tic ‘84

Feelings have seen
What might have been
Tic ‘84

Kind little thoughts
Can bring big happy smiles
Tic ‘84

Listen to what God says
In the events of each day
Tic ‘84

A day is what you make of it
If you stand or if you sit
Tic ‘84

Oh what a day!
What more can I say?
Tic ‘85

Days away
Will come death
Let us pray
That we will find rest
Tic ‘86

Come to the end
Don’t follow the trend
Let pride unbend
With the truth blend
Tic ‘86

That is the way I feel
I certainly cannot be real!
Tic ‘86

Go away – thoughts
Do not stray – mind
Tic ‘87

Life is a question being answered
Tic ‘91

I guess my life views became a little more wordy in the last ten years - maybe I need to meditate just a little more....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Contemplating the New Year

Wow already 2012 - have to remember to put that at the end of my scribblings for this year! Well I stated the year off with a little downer of contemplation, I think the poem itself explains a lot if not all as to how my muddled mind works - enjoy


Contemplating the day of extreme slowness
Fighting off sense of overwhelming sadness
Emotions are swinging to the left and then right
Feel the need for hugging, then to start a fight
Thinking I am extremely board or going crazy
Maybe making up excuses for being very lazy
 New Year has started; need to be making a change
 Different attitude, stop being insanely strange
 Tic 2012