Friday, November 25, 2011

My Birthday update of my blog

Just published two other new posts but thought, on my birthday, I would update with a complilation on some of the Exhortation poems I have done recently....enjoy

(Exhortation by Bro. Ethan Bearden)
As a little child
To seek out the ‘Why’
From Truth do not hide
Eager to please God on high
As a little one
To hear openly to instruction
Knowing the love of the Son
Believing the Word with conviction
A child willingly
With whole heart and mind
Gives love unconditionally
May these things with us find
Tic ‘2011

(Exhortation by Bro. John Banta)
A holy nation was brought to birth
During a time in foreign land
The natives feared this people’s worth
So came down on them with slaver hands
God had promised the nation’s growth
No matter how they were oppressed
Provided Moses to lead them forth
Freedom from Eygpt, Israel was blessed

Yahweh has continued to guide the Jews
Fulfilling promises made to their Fathers
They are His people – though now beleivers few
Witnesses to all – God’s purpose not faltered
When Christ returns to set up God’s kingdom
The Israelites gathered back to their Creator
Then with gladness – rejoice those of wisdom
For our saviour, guide and protector
Tic ‘2011

(Exhortation by Bro. Jeremiah Hefner)
When we walk upon the path of life
We need the Word of God as our guide
The knowledge there to understand strife
Seek God’s wisdom so in His arms to hide
For true repentance – forgiveness attain
We need to change our way – do God’s will
Read daily the Word, pray and pray again
Trust fully in the LORD, He will comfort us still
To continue on the straight and narrow way
We need to seek forgiveness, grace from on high
Write God’s Word in our hearts every day
Then in His kingdom, peace, joy – no longer die
Tic ‘2011

(Exhortation by Bro. David Bearden – Honor)

Honor our Father for all He provides
Honor Him in His corrections in our daily lives
Honor the Creator for each breath you take
Honor Him with love, for His glory’s sake
Honor the Almighty in all He commands
Honor Him when in His Truth you stand
Honor our Alpha and Omega, our beginning and end
Honor Him for all the love He extends
Honor the Father for the gift of His Son
Honor Him, praise Him, follow Him, until His Kingdom comes
Tic ‘2011

We are all joined as one body
One common faith, we all share
One goal ahead – give God the glory
We work together for the kingdom prepare
We all come from different backgrounds
Some raised from birth with the scriptures
Some only recently God’s word have found
We come together to teach of our protector
We all need to live as one in mind
All of our many talents used for praise
All of our love to God – others do find
We work together until the last days
 Tic ‘2011

(Exhortation by Bro. Adam Booker – Forgiveness)
We gather each week to be forgiveness
We look for the grace which God provides
We continually stuble, turn to sin with quickness
And from our short comings we often hide
We need to forgive, not give our vengance
We must see the peace forgiveness gives
We learn through forgiveness endless patience
And see clearly the joy ahead where faithful live
Christ forgave and asked forgiveness
For those who condemned Him, put Him to death
Through love – Christ died with willingness
That all faithful would have hope in everlasting health
Tic ‘2011

Wisdom gained with humble heart
Then the ways of God one will take part
When wisdom puffeth up the mind
Then kindness, understanding is hard to find
Wisdome builds understanding in life
Experience learning through all our strife
When wisdom expands to God our reverance
Expressing our belief in His love and presence
Wisdom comes when giving all to Godly trust
Making clear the vision of His grace for us
Wisdom shown in the value of Christ’s sacrifice
Giving us hope – His life was the price
Tic ‘2011

The last poem was based on the last exhortation given by a beloved Brother - George Brown, before he fell asleep in th Lord and is now awaiting the resurection at the return of Christ Jesus to set up God's Kingdom on earth.

Word on Wildlife Wednesday

A few wednesdays ago my sister and I went for our weekly trip to the post office before work...and that is where our adventures started for our wildlife wednesday...

A great “Tale” about a “Tail”!!
“The mail, the mail” before Wednesday work
The bills, adds and birthday packages to acquire
Weekly routine until we arrived at the exit
We were very shocked, adrenaline on fire
“Back-up, back-up” Maritta did cry
Quickly we scurried behind the glass door
For there before us was an upset skunk
Ready to spray all with his lovely odor
“Run on, run on” she encouraged the skunk away
So across the parking lot he did run
We laughed so thankful to smell normal
Sprayed with skunk perfume would not be fun
“Ride on, ride on” to work we continued
Not expecting any more encounters
When driving along the busy Mo-Pac
More wildlife on the road did flounder
“A deer, a deer” I did loudly exclaim
Weaving through traffic across the road
Frightened, stumbling, to the other side
Our Wednesday was in wildlife mode.
Tic ‘2011

Study weekend poetry inspiration

Recently we had a study weekend given by someone I've known for years - very good speaker - Nathan Badger from Canada. He spoke on Jacob and every talk he gave was an inspiration both poeticly and spiritually - here they are

Bro. Nathan Badger’s H.E.B. 2011 Classes on Jacob
Class #1
Jacob the Syrian who went to Egypt
There his family grew to be a great nation
Jacob appears throughout our Bible script
His life a message, direction for our salvation.
Jacob lived a continual life of struggle
Both physical and spiritual from birth to death
Jacob’s life foreshadowed our own battles
The struggles that strengthen spiritual heath.
Jacob a mild man – shepherd, supplanter
Taking from hunter Esau the elder’s birthright
As Jacob will we see the promise of life ever after?
Or as Esau, sell it for worldly stuff in our sight?
Jacob deceived Isaac to receive the blessings,
Striving to grasp the Godly promise.
He, like us, needed to be in the Lord trusting,
When we have faith in God, He will bless us.
Class #2
Esau had joined himself to several wives of terror,
Jacob was sent to find a bride of more faithful ways;
Esau served himself with a heart of wood and stone,
Jacob struggled continually to serve the Lord all his days.
How important to marry a partner living a life of prayer,
Do not give up the Truth for fleeting fleshly desire.
To this temptation we all are so very prone,
Remain faithful to God – He’ll provide what you require.
God is always with us, hears al our groans,
He watches over us no matter the dangers faced,
Our lives are the Lord’s not something on loan,
Giving all to God puts our hearts in the better place.

Class #3
Laban’s desires were for an abundance of worldly wealth
Jacob worked hard for the benefits he paid.
Laban dealt with others in deceit and stealth,
Yet Jacob was blessed by the wrong Laban had played.
Laban only had in his life a covetous nature,
Jacob had the hope of the promises given by God.
Do we trust God to provide green pastures,
No matter how often by the world we are defrauded?
Wait on the Lord for hope of salvation,
He works in our lives – a daily exhortation.

Class #4
Travelled home
Feared meeting Esau
Sent him many gifts
Esau brought four hundred men
Jacob divided his camp into two
Then he prayed to God
Seeking deliverance from harm
Trusted in Yahweh
To protect
Through life
Struggled with God
Wrestled with an angel
This fight lasted all night
Would not let go until blessed
Name was changed to Israel
Hip bone was dislocated
Gave reverent thanks
To God

To be spiritually complete
Takes time and patience
Daily through the Word to seek
The changes we need for salvation.
Jacob learned to see his need
The changes within God to place
Lessons from his trials to heed
So to be blessed with redemption.
Jacob’s seed would be an Ecclesia
The family of God, for us a part
Fellowship, together, to please Yah
In the Kingdom, joined in completion.
Through Christ we make a vow
To be heirs of the promises
God’s word an instruction how
In Christ’s sacrifice, given in perfection.
All by Tic ‘2011