Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summary of a full year of Sunday School lessons

I've been taking this last year off from teaching Sunday School (9 to 12 year olds) those who are at the age where they are starting to feel a little grown up and they can figure out most problems themselves they don't need to be "told" how to do things...but on the other hand they are confused by their changing responsibilities and their changing bodies so would also like options as to where they would like to go in life. Sunday School - I hope - can provide the most logical of directions (I know pre-teens are  not really logical but I can hope). This poem is a summary of one year (the last year I taught) of 'first priciple' lessons. I pray that my students may have/will retain at least a few of these lessons.

When e’er you look with in this Book
Five things observe with care
Of WHOM it speaks, and HOW it speaks

And WHY and WHEN and WHERE

Testimony Aug. ’96 pg. 318

Why must I study this book, the Bible?
I’d rather enjoy life by being quite idle
The Scriptures tell us how to gain peace
Of the hope of when all strivings cease

What is the proof of God’s Creation?
Evolution does not demand dedication
God created the earth – to make all things good
He spoke the word – all became, as it should

How do we know that the scripture is true?
Prove it to me – is that what you can do?
The proof is shown through prophecy
It has been fulfilled throughout history

What do you think of the nature of Man?
It is quite “good” – lives life as he can
Man disobeyed – fell into sin
Only ‘The Word’ makes us good within

Where is the promise of immortality?
I would rather live in reality
To the faithful will be given immortal life
Changed so no longer temptations have to fight

How does the covenant in Eden affect me?
It was Eve who ate off the forbidden tree
By her and Adam sin entered the world
The covenant is the beginning of God’s plan unfurled

Why did God destroy the earth with a flood?
Are you sure that story is not a dud?
Men were continually evil in God’s sight
The rainbow – His promise that all will be right

When will Abraham receive the promises given to him?
He lived a long life but those promises did not win
Abraham will be raised up in the last day
Given those promises with all who followed the Way

What is the importance of the Gospel?
Is it some mystery you are tying to sell?
This is the good news of the kingdom to come
How Yah shall save through His anointed one

Why is it David’s throne that will be established?
No other King was given this promise
David was a man after God’s own heart
And in His plan played a important part

Why seek the kingdom with all our heart?
How sure are we that we will have a part?
It is our hope – where we will live forever
Wolves and lambs lying down together

What made Christ’s sacrifice acceptable?
Why remember it at the Memorial table?
He lived His life without sin
Though tempted like us from within

Why was Jesus the Word made flesh?
How does He save us from Sin’s mess?
Jesus pored out His life for all mankind
Our example of how to leave flesh behind

Who was the first priest mentioned in scripture?
What is his importance in the big picture?
Melchizedek – with Abraham shared bread and wine
The king of righteousness and peace in his time

What is the “Holy Spirit” in the word?
Is it not part of the Trinity – that is what I heard?
It is the power of God – do miracles, provide life, create
The power of His word – it is and was done as He spake

Why do bad things happen – who makes them occur?
Is it all by chance or punishment for sin – I’m not sure?
Both are true sometimes it is by chance and happenstance
Sometimes as punishment for our disobedience

How do the Devil and Satan make me sin
If they are around – there is no way for me to win
The Devil is the lust, and lies, in ourselves, we do not resist
Satan, an Adversary for good or bad, in each of us it does exist

What then are the Demons mentioned in the Bible?
Are they the evil makers – the being good must rival?
They are the idols – the he-goats worshiped in ancient time
Also the illnesses – mental, internal no natural cure they could find

Who are the angels – glowing beings flying around with wings?
What do they do all the time – sit on clouds with harps and sing?
Angels are the messengers, doing work as God’s ambassadors
They can look like you or me – the next person who knocks on your door

Where will I go when I die – heaven, hell or just turn to dust?
When is the judgment of life – if I made the effort to resist my lust?
The responsible “fall asleep” waiting until Jesus Christ returns
Resurrected to the Judgment seat the faithful – life through grace earned

How do I go about to begin a road that leads to salvation?
When there is nothing here in this life of condemnation?
From the world, to think differently, to live differently, to be different
A change inside of what you love – giving all to God nearly sufficient

Always believe in the truth, the hope, and the love of God’s Holy Word
Written on our hearts, spoken with our mouths, living what we’ve heard
Tic ‘2010

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