Sunday, April 24, 2011

Note Taking in poetry form

I've already mentioned how in school I found it much easier to write in proetry rather than prose. Well I have also found that when listening to Exhortations (sermons) that it is much easier to take notes in poetry form rather than the conventional way - might have made taking notes in college more efficiant if I had discovered this sooner. Well the last exhortation we had was on how God's house is something like a guild house where we learn to glorify our heavenly Father and develope our talents to that purpose. Jesus Christ being the ultimate apprentace, journeyman and master of the guild.

(Exhortation by Bro. Joe Hill)
The Guild of God

{Jesus the Apprentice}
His Father’s works were what Jesus did
For those who would see nothing was hid
His people, the Jews, were blind and lost
For their hardheadness they have paid the cost

{Christ the Journeyman}
Christ could do nothing but the Father’s will
Through all his life, he the law fulfilled
Instructed in all things by God’s word
The Messiah who was known by those who the prophets heard

{Our Lord and Saviour the Master}
Our Lord and Saviour was trained up in the Way
Prepared in heart and mind for his sacrificial day
That we could have hope to partake of God’s grace
To see the joy ahead in the kingdom’s resting place
Tic ‘2011

P.S.  I have done several poems as summaries of Exhortations - and will post some of them at later dates

1 comment:

  1. Always have loved your poems, always will...
    and love you too!

