Saturday, April 2, 2011

My poetry beginings

We had just moved and starting at a new school - high school at that - and I found out that I had to take TWO English type courses! English at that time was not an easy subject for me - I had just finished 7th grade with a 4th grade reading level. My English teacher was also the drama teacher so joy of all joys I got to memorize lines (I could do that) and act - yahoo! As long as I did not have to read and write too much. Composition class was another matter and as the name implies we had to write, compose and express our thoughts on paper - Yikes! That is when I found out that poetry came much easier than prose - it was much better to summarize things in rhyme - nice shore sentences! My teacher encouraged us all to save all our little jottings of our thoughts in poem or prose and I have been saving all my little poems since then. 
One of the first poems was inspired by the Narnia Chronicles by C. S. Lewis which my oldest sister had read to all of us (the younger siblings). All seven books - it was a time of binding the close and loving relationship between all five of us - thank you sister dear.


The unicorn, a horse with horn
And silvery coat and mane,
Some hear him tread miles ahead,
In some wood or tiny lane

The Satyr, a man and goat,
Who seldom makes his show
Dancing in time with Nymphs fine,
Beneath the full moon’s glow

The Centaur, a man and horse,
Who sups from six to ten,
Drinking wine when he dines
And is seen only now and then

Unicorn, Satyr and Centaur too,
Present they be, you may never see,
For they only exist in the mist,
In the land of fantasy
Tic ‘77 

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