Weak character.
King of Israel,
Is turned from Yahweh,
By his evil wife Jezebel,
To go worship Baal
Ahab, the weak,
No hope,
Tic ‘81
Jonah rose to flee
From the presence of the LORD
But he was soon to see
That all is at God’s command
He went upon a ship
To go to a place of self delight
But it was a short trip
For God had made His demand
Yahweh sent a mighty storm
The lot did upon Jonah fall
Faulting him for the ship’s being torn
That he would obey God’s command
Into the sea he went
To be swallowed by a fish
Which the LORD had sent
Then Jonah realized God’s demand
After three days and nights
He was spewed on dry land
To give Nineveh the sight
To follow God’s commands
Nineveh was humbled
Then was saved from destruction
But Jonah did stumble
At the faith to God’s demand
Let us not try to flee
Rather may we be humbled
Gaining the faith to see
The rightness in God’s commands
Tic ‘84
For the truth was Paul’s stand
Festus said that he was mad
But Agrippa was moved to say
“I almost was convinced of the Way”
Yahweh hopes that all will come
To believe His truth and be as one
A bride prepared against the world to stand
That all may enter the promise land
Tic ‘85
Did you hear that blatant lie?
Telling us we would not die
This is what the serpent said
And many in his way do tread
Making the grave their eternal bed
Only if we earnestly pray
Preparing for the Judgment day
We may find through God’s good grace
On earth we have an eternal place
Privileged to see Christ face to face
Tic ‘85
Japheth was a harlot’s son
So his brethren did him shun
But when trouble came
Ammon being the one to blame
Japheth was called back again
Israel’s army for to tend
So with the help of God
Ammon under Israel’s feet were trod
Yahweh works in many ways
From our enemies us to save
And like Japheth He will try our faith
In His hands our precious love to place
May we have Japheth strength
To follow God our lives’ length
Tic ‘85
He suffered
Us to learn
That service
Is the way to turn
The greatest
Was a servant
To that example
Let our lives be lent
Tic ‘86
Totally sincere, yet hopelessly wrong
With zeal they are mighty, but in truth, not strong
Following with faith blindly
Knowledge is not taken kindly
For when the Truth of the Bible is known
The error of their way is shown
Having zeal but in the Truth not strong
Without knowledge, sincerity is wrong
Tic ‘86
Daniel, a youth of long ago
Whose live had much good to show
With the saints he will stand
For he was a righteous man
He behaved himself very wisely
His work for the Truth, truthfully, lively
Faith, he held with steadfast determination
Fearing not the world’s condemnation
Still he was a modest, humble man
Only for God’s glory did Daniel stand
Tic ‘86
When David and Jonathan met
They renewed their bond of love
So we must do when we come
To remember Him, who is above
Jonathan had a perfect faith
Not letting family get in the way
Of a friendship he knew was right
Though his power would be taken away
Let us have that self-giving love
Of one mind with Christ be found
Not seeking worldly power
But the purpose in which God’s glory does abound
Tic ‘86
We are told what comes at the end
Of the destruction of the kingdom of Men
Are our ears open to hear?
Are we ready for our Lord to appear?
Daniel is filled with prophecy true
A record left to be searched out by you
Do we pray for Christ to come?
Can we hope to be with the blessed One?
See that we live in the latter times
Daniel’s words have given the signs
Are we prepared by working hard?
That in everything we give glory to God!
Tic ‘87
Three times a day
Daniel knelt to pray
Setting his face
Toward the Holy Place
Having the faith
To trust in God’s grace
For God guides them through the fray
Those who follow in His way
Tic ‘87
Jeroboam was a wicked man
By his altar in Bethel did he stand
A man of God came to say
“You shall be punished for your wickedness today”
Jeroboam reached for the altar still
And his hand withered at Yahweh’s will
Though it was restored again
Jeroboam continued his wicked reign
So he was to be punished yet
For the word of God was set
All his seed were cursed to die
Only one in a grave would lie
Let us take this lesson within
Not to lead others to sin
For Yahweh will punish us too
For any wrong doing that we may do
Tic ‘87
Many who were types of Christ
Their examples are there to see
They showed the people of that time
How the Messiah’s life would be
Christ perfected all examples
Manifested His Father’s well
Lived a life that was sinless
So before Him death just fell
We have before us all accounts
Of all who lived God’s word
Do we strive for Christ’s perfect ness?
So from worldliness we are cured
Tic ‘88
Knew his heart – where he failed
In deep despair he turned to God
On humble knees with sorrowful thoughts
He understands his rightful part
Afforded grace from Him above
He changes his way to walk in love
Praising Him from whom all life comes
Looking in hope for His beloved Son
Tic ‘92
Peter was an impulsive man
He tried very hard, did what he could
But Peter needed to let the Lord
Guide his steps through the word
Peter gained the inner peace
In which we righteous fined relief
Total trust in the power of God's name
Achieved through much trial and shame
Tic '99
At the time of his birth
He held on
When he wrestled with an angel
He held on
Until he finished his last charge
He held on
Jacob held on until the end
In Israel were the promises met
He held on
Tic ‘2001
In Rome
Wrote a letter
Of joy and hope
He was bound in chains
A prisoner of men
Free in faith
In hope
Tic ‘2002
David left advice for Solomon
How to live his life ahead
Many trials were to come
Had Solomon heard what David said?
“Train up a child in the way to go”
will he follow it throughout his life?
Though when he is at the very low
It is in ‘the Way’ he will find help in strife
Surround yourself in the family of God
That we may serve Him with all our heart
Help each other through the trials of His chastising rod
That in His glory we may have a part
Tic ‘2004
High upon a mountain apart
Christ with Peter, James and John did come
Where Christ was changed before their eyes
To talk with Moses and Elias of how He should die
A voice through a cloud shining bright
“This is my beloved Son”
who pleased His father well
And we must listen to what He has to tell
So we may arise to live without fear
Making the hope of salvation all we hold dear
Tic ‘2006
The promise to Abraham of a great nation
A people to witness of the everlasting God
Though they deny the responsibility of their station
They feel continually God’s chasting rod
Scattered throughout all the earth
They will be gathered to the promised land
There to repent, giving all, seeing their Father’s worth
Then they will grasp hold of His loving hand
Have we as ones called to be the spiritual Israel
Prepared ourselves for our Messiah’s return
Or has our dedication declined, become self-willed?
Our hearts must be opened to the Word we must learn
So we may take part in the promised kingdom
With Israel to be part of that promised nation
Tic ‘2006
David and Christ both shepherded the people
But still rejected by those in authority
Loved by the ones who had God as their keeper
Who looked to the Word making it their priority
Christ and David were promised a endless throne
Ruling a united Israel both physical and spiritual
In a kingdom where to sin no longer prone
Where all mankind will be humbled and teachable
Tic ‘2007
Paul could no longer cover in silence
His love and concern to the Thessalonians
He sent beloved Timothy to minister to them
So they would stand fast through tribulation
To build the faith, to counter temptation
Strengthen their love of God to work for Salvation
Comforted that they would give thanks with joy
Night and day through prayer God’s will employ
That the grace of God could be showered upon them
Perfected in love and faith to stand before Him
Tic ‘2008
Without sin, yet He crucified the flesh
Can we identify with that sacrifice?
Our fleshy desires need to die upon the cross
Only Christ could achieve that perfect gift
Our wrong doing can it be bound unto death?
Jesus was the first fruit, our example in the test
We must battle in our hearts for victory over sin
Then in good conscience we can enter the Kingdom with Him.
Tic ‘2008
At Noah’s time, when the floods came they knew not
Of the time of the of the coming of the Lord we know not
Would we be ready if of that time we did know?
Would we be watchful or fall into only what the world knows?
Christ taught to be constant, watchful with Godly knowledge
To be ready at His return in faithful knowing
He repeated it several times for us to know
So in our thoughts and hearts we would be sure and know
Of the times and seasons we may not know
It is our walk, our faith, our hope, for others to see and know
Focus not on a specific time to have knowledge
But rather live as if the truth was all you knowing
We must watch to escape tribulation coming we know
Watch so that our spirit will not fail in what we know
Watch so false teachers will not corrupt knowledge
Watch to be confident in all your knowing
Our hope for the kingdom when we’ll be all knowing
Our faith in God’s grace, our hearts all knowing
Our love of the Truth guiding all our knowledge
Our trust that God of that time is knowing
Tic ‘2008
Saul in fervent zealousness
Persecuted the household of God
Until on his trip to Damascus
A bright light halted the way he trod
Saul heard the voice of Christ,
“Why persecute thou me?”
Has that voice come to our lives?
To change who we would be
Saul then changed his name to Paul
And change the way he lived
Preaching forth the hope to which we are called
The grace which is God’s gift to give
Will we then take on Christ’s name
And change our walk ahead
Follow the example shown when he first came
On His word we are uplifted and fed
Tic ‘2008
Naman heard the Hope of God from a child’s voice
She had been taken from her home but in faith made a choice
To spread the hope of God’s grace to a foreign man
In that hope, Naman went forth to Israel’s land
Israel’s king had not a clue of God’s grace
And in great fear trembled in his worldly palace
Naman went on to Elisha for his healing
But needed to be humbled in his dealings
Before he experienced renewing grace
After washing seven times came up with changed face
As a child his flesh was cleaned
And of his sins he was redeemed
Because he listened to a child’s voice
And took the good and faithful choice
Tic ‘2008
Christ is our true Tabernacle
His is our perfect covering
In Him we turn from sin’s shackles
Through Christ we can do anything
Jesus is our true guide and light
His is our perfect example
In Him our blindness is turned to sight
Through Jesus our peace is ample
Christ is the only one true bread
He is our perfect sacrifice
In Him we see the hope of what is ahead
Through Christ we give to God all our lives
Jesus is the one true giving vine
He is perfected through blood shed
In Him we see the wondrous love divine
Through Jesus we see our living head
Tic ‘2009
Be not like the Pharisees
Who live lives of hypocrisy
But rather live in a humble manner
Not declaring your works on a public banner
The Pharisees wanted praise of men
They only saw the now not the when
Seek only to give God the glory
Of worldly praise you need not worry
The things of men will rust away
The grace of God is there for everlasting day
The giant trials of fleshly desire
Can overwhelm – trying faith through fire
No matter how small we are in the world
With trust in God, courage is incurred
To battle the foes of sin that we face
Gaining the reward of a Kingdom place
Tic ‘2009
We attend meeting week after week
But do we pay attention to the words the speaker speaks?
Or are we like Judas, who understood not, Christ, his Lord
Turned, betrayed Him – God’s hope Judas had not heard
Judas did regret this very evil deed
Fulfilling scripture, which he failed to heed
Tossing back thirty pieces to the Priests, an unfaithful lot
Who did not see that they were the broken pot
The leaders could not see God’s beloved Son
Who stood before them – quietly, the chosen one
Pilate even tried to get Jesus released
The people chose to have their punishment increased
For many generations, Jews have suffered ill
Continuing in their blindness to this day still
Awaiting for the time of Christ’s return
Then their eyes will be opened, their hearts turned
Are we still blind to our Savior’s sacrifice?
Do we give thanks for His atonement price?
Let us live with open eyes and minds
So we will see Christ Jesus in the end times
Tic ‘2009
Timothy witnessed Paul’s preaching
His dedication, endurance of persecution
Timothy learned much from Paul’s teaching
In truth and heart became a spiritual son.
Timothy remembered the Creator in his youth
Sent out to continue on the work of Paul
To lead, to teach, to preach the Truth
Timothy could see clear the crown to be won
Timothy showed a heart set to godliness
Lived a life of which Paul was proud
Held fast to God’s words of holiness
Timothy saw the day of Christ to come.
Tic ‘2010
(Exhortation by Bro. Will Jackson)
Do we remember from where we came
Abraham came out of Ur
How God delivered us from a life of death and shame
Israel was delivered out of Egypt
Are we thankful for all that has been provided
Fed with manna in the wilderness
Our love, our faith, our hope in all that God is
Commandments given at Mt. Sinai
Do we dwell on all the wrong that we suffer
Israel complained in wilderness
Or give thanks for God’s love that we can give one another
Caleb and Joshua were faithful
What thanks do we give for our calling
Levites did not bow to golden calf
Giving all to God, realizing His blessings
Became the tribe of priest for the people
Have we separated ourselves to be a holy people
Abraham was called out, separated
That all see God in us everywhere not just in church and steeple
Israel are God’s witnesses
Is there thanksgiving in the coming Joy
Israel was led to the promised land
With sincere rejoicing our voices deploy
Jew and Gentile sing in the kingdom
Tic ‘2010
(Exhortation by Bro. Michael Ashton)
The Bible tells of the Love of Christ
The perfect love that makes faith right
He loved the young man who held to his wealth
Blinded by riches – Kingdom not in sight
Solomon was like this young man
Loved of God – but turned by things
His wives led him astray from the Law
So in the end – he suffered was sin brings
Martha, Mary and Lazareth were loved of Jesus
Lazareth was raised to build up their faith
Mary and Martha learned how to change
To gain understanding, for the Kingdom wait
Then the disciple whom Jesus loved
Who saw visions of the time of the end
The hope we all have when Christ returns
This is the joy by which we are fed
Tic ‘2010
(Exhortation by Bro. Jeremiah Hefner)
Adam and Eave desired the fruit from the forbidden tree
When they partook the conscience was opened and wrong they did see
Then from God they their sin did try to hide
But God is all knowing – sees what we feel inside
Now all mankind in his nature is prone to sin
But we should shun the flesh – desire the love of God within
It is through His gift of grace we have hope of life
Our love for God gives us the desire to fight the good fight
Desire then to continually do the will of the Father
Desire that in the walk to the kingdom we do not falter
Desire to live the sacrifice of Jesus our anointed
Desire to be ready for the day that has been appointed
Tic ‘2010